Category: Personal Development
Five Micro Skills Essential to Your Sanity and Success in Life, Your Career and Relationships
A different take on how to equip yourself for the future. This is a companion article to my friend and colleague Jade McAndrew-Barlow’s “These 5 Micro Skills Give You Career Agility”. I take a different approach to Jade’s excellent one, so that all the bases are covered. Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash As the last few years…
The Power of Words
Words have the power to enable or disable, empower and disempower. So with great power comes great responsibility. As someone whose life’s trajectory (see an earlier article) has been focused on development and growth, I have seen over and over again the impact words can have. For some of my students, friends and family a few…
Just How Stupid is Career Planning?
If you are like me, you were taught the importance of career planning. What we were taught was wrong. Let’s examine why. I remember sessions in school when we looked at career possibilities and discussed, for those of us who were heading towards what in those days was considered a career, how to craft a…